HR Training and Development

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At Dionic Group, we truly commit to the professional development of our people. Our main concern is to give the opportunity to every employee to realize as much as possible his/her potential because we believe that the efficient utilization of personnel is the key of our productivity and development.


We invest in training, offering know-how, high work quality and development possibilities in a pleasant and modern work environment, equipping our personnel with the adequate working tools and training, adjusted to their needs.


In the 2007-2008 period, training activities were performed as much on a level of specialized educational seminars in subject modules like economics, sales and informatics, as on a level of general training of employees, in the work environment, with main educational objectives informatics, English language and Bulgarian language.


The training plan for next year includes, besides the above programmes which will be continued for all departments, the possibility of e-learning, training on management skills and safety and health issues.